Our Services

Sharpening mindsets to reveal more dimensions unseen in God

Life Coaching

Our life coaching sessions provides you with benefits which provides clarity and direction , improves self-confidence, teaches how to live a balanced lufe, helps with setting goals.
Using our SMART goals systems, you will be able to define and reach time-bound targets in your developement. When Mighty Artilleries coach life lessons, we consider the multi-dimensional aspects of a whole persons in their real life. Not just physical appearances, but also factors like how people think, feel, live, and connect to others.

Since all areas of life are deeply emtwined and strongly connected to spiritual growth, it's important to note that struggling in one domain usually means struggling in others. But improving one domain can improve others. This is the power of life coaching we deliver here at Mighty Artilleries Int'l.


Music Ministry is one of the most impact-full ministries in the globe today. It is inspiring and transforming billions of people positively everyday within and outside the church.

These are essential strategies and knowledge you must acquire to thrive and make positive impacts through the Music Ministry. No room for mediocrity. We rise in this kingdom by light. Psalms 47:7 "God is the King of all earth: sing ye praises with understanding".

Marital Counseling

Here at Mighty Artilleries Int'l we like to bring out something very fundamental about relatoinships, dimensions of love that gives you the basic understanding of love relationship and what should characterize realtionships. The relationship here we are talking about is the one where your emotions blends and subject to the God kind of love..

The things above here does not necessaryly mean heaven, but of lasting value and impact, things that show and reflect where Christ occupies your life and relationship. Your new life is the real life, so don't concentrate on shadows awhile you look and watch less on the real life.

Prayer and Deliverance

Mathew 11:12 "And from time John the Baptist bega preaching until now, the Kingdom of Heaven has been forcefully advancing, and violent people are attacking it." Why is it necessary to pray? To bring the closeness to God, to be a temple of the Holy Spirit, to come to a realization that you are nothing without God, work on your inner change, provide the language of God access to your life.

It is our sole mandate to deliver any foul circumstances you find yourself in, Mighty Artilleries is with a mandate to free God's people.


Sickness, disease and tormentare the work of the enemy, therefore, we can resist it! The theif (devil) comes to steal, likk and destroy, but Jesus came to give us abundant life. Thatmeans a life free from sickness and diseases. Mighty Artilleries Int'l is on a mission to get the truth of this Good news to as many people as possible. The truth is God has a plan and a meaning for your life. You're extravagantly and deeply loved by God.

Jesus your Savior has come, all over the world anywhere you are, Christ has come and he wants you to have abundant life, Jesus said "I'm the good Shephard: the good Shephard giveth his life for his sheep". There's Divine provision of good Health for everybody

Teaching Biblical Truths

We read the Bible in short story format. One scriptures says that everything is written for our learning. Being ministers of God's truths, it is wonderful to point out the amazing cliff notes of the scriptures. The thing we wold love to point out for informational purposes is this. Every person we read about in the Bible were real people. We run and shout their victories while all the while, seperating their humanity.

The Bible is for our learning. We are to gleam truths and promises about God's faithfulness to mankind to show us that He will take care of us.

Articles on Educational Systems

As more needs arose and life became more complicated, it became expedient that the process of education must change to reflect changing circumstances of culture, which is essential for Evangelism. Therefore the team at Mighty Artilleries evolved systems of education so as to be orderly in the approach of transmission of the Knowledge of the Gospel

Our eductaional systems usually involves training in technological, recreational and intellectual reach-outs.

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